Caroline Leach

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Location: Los Angeles Metropolitan Area
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The Carrelle Company
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Last updated: 22/05/2023 00:05 AM
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Caroline Leach is from Los Angeles Metropolitan Area. Caroline is currently Founder at The Carrelle Company, located in Manhattan Beach, California, United States.

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Caroline Leach's current jobs
Company: The Carrelle Company
Title: Founder
Period: Sep 2018 - Present (6 years, 4 months)
Location: Manhattan Beach, California, United States

The Carrelle Company provides digital branding through social media for people to grow their careers and business owners to grow their companies. The company was born on Labor Day 2018, from a blog I launched on New Year's Day 2015. It's a labor of love that developed from my writing, researching and speaking about how people can build their careers and companies through social media. A social media roadmap for professionals is distilled in my book, What Successful People Do on Social Media: A Short Guide to Boosting Your Career. To tap into the ever-evolving use of social media for career building, I launched the first in a series of research studies in 2018. I speak frequently on the topic, at companies and organizations including Lionsgate, Otter Media, AT&T, Ericsson North America, the University of Southern California, the Association for Talent Development, and TEDx. I also consult with individuals and businesses to create social media plans that get results. Each plan is customized for the client's unique goals, from improved positioning for a promotion or job search to better team building through recognition and appreciation.

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