Caroline Loden

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Email: ****
Location: Hurstbourne Tarrant, England, United Kingdom
Current employer: Magnifi Global
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Last updated: 21/05/2023 23:57 PM
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Caroline Loden is from Hurstbourne Tarrant, England, United Kingdom. Caroline is currently Partner at Magnifi Global, located in Haslemere, England, United Kingdom.

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Caroline Loden's current jobs
Company: Magnifi Global
Title: Partner
Period: May 2021 - Present (3 years, 8 months)
Location: Haslemere, England, United Kingdom

Co founder and leading partner at Magnifi Global: - supporting Philanthropists to create meaningful and sustainable impact - growing charities and purpose led businesses through connections and strategic support We work you through your: Intention: Through coaching and support, drawing out your deepest intentions and purpose in life. Inspiration: After discovering your purpose, identity and beliefs, marrying these with the worlds greatest issues. Connecting you with inspiring people and organisations creating sustainable impact around the world. Impact: Creating your legacy through direct impact projects. Keeping sustainability at the heart of each project and growing relationships and connections to impact your personal journey. Supporting charities to grow, building sustainable income and long lasting relationships

Caroline Loden's Colleagues
Craig Goldblatt
Haslemere, England, United Kingdom
Caroline Loden has 1 colleagues in total at Magnifi Global. You can find all of them in FinalScout.
Other people named Caroline Loden
Caroline Werme Lodèn
Söderhamn, Gavleborg County, Sweden
There are 1 other "Caroline Loden". You can find all of them in FinalScout.
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