Cayetano H Osma

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Email: ****@****.***
Location: Greater Santa Cruz de Tenerife Metropolitan Area
Current employer:
El Estado Web
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Last updated: 22/05/2023 01:18 AM
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Cayetano H Osma is from Greater Santa Cruz de Tenerife Metropolitan Area. Cayetano is currently CEO at El Estado Web.

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Cayetano H Osma's current jobs
Company: El Estado Web
Title: CEO
Period: Feb 2014 - Present (10 years, 10 months)

Develop B2B solutions focused on companies, usual integrations with third parties, and Corporate Web Sites, all our tools are open-source like Laravel as PHP framework. We using mainly Laravel, JQuery, VueJS, and React, but we build solutions based on customer's requirements and always using opensource to achieve the challenge. Our work is adapted to the client's requirements and specifications.

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