Celestina Pugliese

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Email: ****a@readycheckglo.com
Location: East Northport, New York, United States
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Ready Check Glo
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Last updated: 26/05/2023 15:18 PM
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Celestina Pugliese is from East Northport, New York, United States. Celestina is currently President/CEO at Ready Check Glo.

Celestina Pugliese's contact information is available for free on finalscout.com, a web-based professional networking database with more than 500 million business contacts and 200 million company profiles.

Celestina Pugliese's current jobs
Company: Ready Check Glo
Title: President/CEO
Period: Jan 2010 - Present (15 years)

Celestina is an Entrepreneur with a vision. Her invention “The Illuminating Cocktail Menu & Guest Check Presenter” is said to be “Genius” by insiders in the hospitality industry. Utilizing her 20 years of expertise in business, finance, management, and leadership together with her courage to take risks in business, she launched - Ready Check Glo. Celestina graduated from Adelphi University in Garden City, NY with a Bachelor's Degree in Business Management & Communications. She also studied in Perugia, Italy where she attended Universita Per Stranieri. Celestina is also fluent in three languages. She currently lives in New York and Florida

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Celestina Pugliese
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