Chandini Portteus MPH

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Email: ****
Location: United States
Current employer:
Chandini & Co
Current title:
Chairman & CEO
Last updated: 18/06/2024 10:01 AM
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Chandini Portteus MPH is from United States. Chandini is currently Chairman & CEO at Chandini & Co, located in Dallas, Texas, United States.

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Chandini Portteus MPH's current jobs
Company: Chandini & Co
Title: Chairman & CEO
Period: Nov 2014 - Present (9 years, 8 months)
Location: Dallas, Texas, United States

Chandini & Co is an advisory and management consulting firm that provides strategic business solutions for organizations of all sizes, across all areas of the business both for-profit and non-profit. The group has unique specialization in various areas, and has been sought out by business executives and board leaders for advising, guidance and hands on direction to create strategic plans, implement business plans and redirect or expand organizational activities. Services range from business start up and creation, revenue and growth plans for organizations either in rapid growth or desiring greater levels of engagement; strategic and business planning; financial and operational advising with an eye for increased efficiency; structural re-organizations or business redirection; to final stages of business transition planning and interim leadership placements.

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