Charles Pritchett

Chief Financial Officer
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Email: ****t@beehive.net
LinkedIn: Charles Pritchett
Location: Provo, Utah, United States
Current employer:
Beehive Broadband
Current title:
Chief Financial Officer
Last updated: 16/02/2024 17:19 PM
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Charles Pritchett is from Provo, Utah, United States. Charles is currently Chief Financial Officer at Beehive Broadband, located in Tooele, Utah, United States.

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Charles Pritchett's current jobs
Company: Beehive Broadband
Title: Chief Financial Officer
Period: Jun 2018 - Present (6 years, 7 months)
Location: Tooele, Utah, United States

I currently serve in an exciting role as the chief financial officer of Beehive Broadband; a brand that encompasses four great companies located in Lake Point, Utah. We are: Beehive Telephone Company, Inc. a fiber-optic, high-speed, rural telephone and internet provider serving western Utah from Grouse Creek on the North to Bullfrog at Lake Powell on the South. Beehive Telephone Co., Inc. Nevada a fiber-optic, high-speed, rural telephone and internet provider serving north-eastern Nevada, WirelessBeehive.com, LLC a fiber-optic, high-speed, broadband internet provider offering a range of broadband solutions for wireless carriers, businesses, and homes in Tooele, Salt Lake, Davis, Weber, Summit, and Morgan counties in Utah. WirelessBeehive.com, LLC, Nevada, a fiber-optic, high-speed, broadband internet provider offering a range of broadband solutions for wireless carriers, businesses, and homes in White Pine and Elko Counties in Nevada I provide day to day oversight, direction to our accounting team, assist with regulatory compliance, and serve as part of the leadership team for all four companies of our four companies.

Charles Pritchett's education
Brigham Young University
Master's Degree
1996 - 1997
Brigham Young University
Bachelors of Science
1985 - 1987
Snow College
Associate's Degree
1982 - 1984
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