Chelsea Kidd MBA CSCS CPT

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Email: ****
Location: Bozeman, Montana, United States
Current employer:
SiteWell Solutions
Current title:
Founder & CEO
Last updated: 12/09/2023 07:45 AM
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Chelsea Kidd MBA CSCS CPT is from Bozeman, Montana, United States. Chelsea is currently Founder & CEO at SiteWell Solutions, located in Bozeman, Montana, United States.

You can find Chelsea Kidd MBA CSCS CPT's email at FinalScout is a professional database with business professional profiles and company profiles.

Chelsea Kidd MBA CSCS CPT's current jobs
Company: SiteWell Solutions
Title: Founder & CEO
Period: Jan 2021 - Present (4 years)
Location: Bozeman, Montana, United States

Through collaboration with businesses, government entities and other organizations we mitigate employee healthcare cost drivers, improve strategic outcomes through performance enhancement and build a culture of well-being. To reduce healthcare expenditures, we target health conditions that cause the greatest expense to organizations and their team members. These critical conditions include heart disease, stroke, diabetes and obesity. Our multifaceted intervention and prevention strategy applies principles of health education, exercise, nutrition, social support and behavioral change to ensure optimal outcomes. Injury prevention services also focus on leading causes of workplace injuries. These injuries have been determined by the Bureau of Labor Statistics to be the largest burden on employers due to associated costs and lost productivity. Primary injury prevention programming includes overexertion or musculoskeletal injury, slips, trips, falls and fatigue related occurrences. Injury prevention strategy involves occupation specific movement and risk assessments, customized physical conditioning protocols, equilibrium training and educational resources designed to empower employees to apply safety at home and in the workplace. A culture of well-being improves productivity within the workforce, attracts top talent, decreases absenteeism and reduces attrition. We work with our clients to carefully customize worksite health, wellness and fitness strategy based on industry, demographics, organizational culture and key objectives. Let us support your goals of a happier and healthier organization through wellness center management, corporate events, educational services and more.

Chelsea Kidd MBA CSCS CPT's Colleagues
SiteWell Solutions
Chief Executive Officer
Jennifer Wanberg, MS, RD, CDM, CPT
Registered Dietitian/Personal Trainer
Bozeman, Montana, United States
Chelsea Kidd MBA CSCS CPT has 2 colleagues in total at SiteWell Solutions. You can find all of them in FinalScout.
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