Chhaya Bajpai

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Email: ****i@tataaia.com
Location: Mumbai, Maharashtra, India
Current employer: Tata AIA Life Insurance
Current title:
Senior Vice President Operations
Last updated: 22/05/2023 00:42 AM
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Chhaya Bajpai is from Mumbai, Maharashtra, India. Chhaya is currently Senior Vice President Operations at Tata AIA Life Insurance, located in Mumbai, Maharashtra, India.

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Chhaya Bajpai's current jobs
Title: Senior Vice President Operations
Period: Apr 2022 - Present (2 years, 9 months)
Location: Mumbai, Maharashtra, India

- Spearhead business transformation projects for Operations aimed at process optimization & superior consumer / distributor experience - Create and manage operational processes to support business from Proprietary channels (Agency & DSF), Private banks (HDFC & IndusInd), Foreign banks (Citibank & DBS), PSU bank (Central Bank), Brokers (Bluechip, Bajaj Capital, etc.) and New-age partners (Policy Bazaar) - Maintain competitive edge in Open Architecture through best-in-class ease of doing business practices for both the consumers and distributors - Manage end-to-end consumer onboarding journey viz. pre issuance verification calling, digital support team, policy pack printing & dispatch - Supervision of all transactions in agent, leader, corporate agent & seller lifecycle - Drive the digital agenda across channels to enhance adoption & efficacy

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