Chris Hutchison

President & CEO at AccuVein Inc.
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LinkedIn: Chris Hutchison
Location: Boston, Massachusetts, United States
Current employer:
AccuVein Inc.
Current title:
President & CEO
Last updated: 02/05/2024 03:24 AM
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Chris Hutchison is from Boston, Massachusetts, United States. Chris is currently President & CEO at AccuVein Inc., located in Medford, New York, United States.

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Chris Hutchison's current jobs
Company: AccuVein Inc.
Title: President & CEO
Period: May 2020 - Present (4 years, 8 months)
Location: Medford, New York, United States

AccuVein Inc. is the global leader in near infrared vein visualization. By helping clinicians see superficial veins and other vascular anatomy, AccuVein help can reduce the number of sticks needed to achieve venous access, reduce procedure time, and avoid escalations to more invasive and costly vascular access modalities. To see a demonstration of AccuVein in action, please visit

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