Christian Hvidkjaer Frederiksen
Christian Hvidkjaer Frederiksen is from Middle Jutland, Denmark. Christian Hvidkjaer works in the following industries: "International Trade & Development", "Wholesale", "Hospital & Health Care", "Insurance", "Dairy", "Building Materials", and "Plastics". Christian Hvidkjaer is currently COO at BetaPack A/S, located in Hørning, Middle Jutland, Denmark.
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Christian Hvidkjaer Frederiksen's current jobs
In my position as COO, I am responsible for the operational functions and the sourcing department leading a team of 8 employees. Furthermore, I am a part of management team in BetaPack A/S. Responsibilities and tasks: • Develop and implement operational and sourcing strategies and policies • Define, develop, and implement KPI’s and reporting system for suppliers • Supplier relationship management • Product portfolio strategy and product development • Performance management • Risk management • Optimize workflows and processes related to operational functions and sourcing • Sustainability and environmental in the Sourcing department and for BetaPack A/S • Business development and strategy work for BetaPack A/S • Change management • Employee management and development