Christine Sanni

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Email: ****i@sybal.io
Location: Potomac, Maryland, United States
Current employer:
Current title:
Founder & CEO
Last updated: 22/05/2023 01:12 AM
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Christine Sanni is from Potomac, Maryland, United States. Christine is currently Founder & CEO at SYBAL , located in Rockville, Maryland, United States.

Come check out Christine Sanni's email address on finalscout.com, a free professional database with 500 million business professionals and 200 million companies.

Christine Sanni's current jobs
Company: SYBAL
Title: Founder & CEO
Period: Jun 2020 - Present (4 years, 7 months)
Location: Rockville, Maryland, United States

Sybal helps regulated industries prove the state of their governance wellness by measuring the effectiveness of their policies in real-time and without bias via its internationally patent pending enterprise software, Proof-of-Governance. Our mission is to innovate governance for trusted outcomes. Visit sybal.io today and request a demo. We are building a community of people, customers, partners, & investors who want to help others thrive. We invite you to join us!

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