Christophe Baillon

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Email: ****n@sogilis.com
Location: Greater Lyon Area
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Last updated: 22/05/2023 01:11 AM
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Christophe Baillon is from Greater Lyon Area. Christophe is currently CEO at Sogilis, located in Le Boupère, Pays de la Loire, France.

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Christophe Baillon's current jobs
Company: Sogilis
Title: CEO
Period: Jan 2008 - Present (17 years)
Location: Le Boupère, Pays de la Loire, France

http://sogilis.com Sogilis is a French software services company with particular expertise in IoT and Cloud Native applications. These complementary and highly complex domains are brought together and served by dedicated and highly-skilled teams. We create great tailor-made software to help you fit your market fast. Working with Sogilis is more than working with expert developers. You will benefit from our all-inclusive support team for your strategy, business model, or funding. Sogilis is not only a company that builds software for customers. We also create products and startups ourselves. Sogilis has 3 passionate expert A-teams to help your business: - Cloud Native applications expert team - Embedded software, smart devices and IoT expert team - Safety-critical and security-critical applications expert team

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Officier de Sécurité des Vols
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Christophe Baillon
Directeur adjoint
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