Christopher Cheung CFA

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Location: Hong Kong, Hong Kong SAR
Current employer: Bumping App
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Last updated: 22/05/2023 01:46 AM
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Christopher Cheung CFA is from Hong Kong, Hong Kong SAR. Christopher is currently Founder at Bumping App, located in Kennedy Town, Hong Kong SAR. In Christopher's previous role as a SSgA Vice President, Senior Portfolio Manager and Research Analyst in Equity Smart Beta Strategies at State Street, Christopher worked in until Aug 2015. Prior to joining State Street, Christopher was a Manager of Technology at Sapient Corp. and held the position of Manager of Technology.

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Christopher Cheung CFA's current jobs
Company: Bumping App
Title: Founder
Period: Jan 2018 - Present (7 years)
Location: Kennedy Town, Hong Kong SAR

Built a community-based lifestyle app from concept to deployment. Responsible for managing a multi-national development team while designing and coding the mobile app in React-Native, PostgresQL. Admitted into Cyberport’s CCMF program, a competitive government-sponsored startup support initiative. Coordinated with content creators and marketers to build user communities and content.

Christopher Cheung CFA's past jobs
Company: State Street
Title: SSgA Vice President, Senior Portfolio Manager and Research Analyst in Equity Smart Beta Strategies
Period: Nov 2006 - Aug 2015 (8 years, 9 months)
Company: Sapient Corp.
Title: Manager of Technology
Period: Aug 1996 - Sep 2004 (8 years, 1 month)
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