Christopher Ejbich

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Email: ****h@wealthsimple.com
Location: Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Current employer: Wealthsimple
Current title:
IT Manager
Last updated: 22/05/2023 01:00 AM
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Christopher Ejbich is from Toronto, Ontario, Canada. Christopher is currently IT Manager at Wealthsimple, located in Toronto, Ontario, Canada.

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Christopher Ejbich's current jobs
Company: Wealthsimple
Title: IT Manager
Period: Oct 2020 - Present (4 years, 3 months)
Location: Toronto, Ontario, Canada

• Scaled company from 650 to 1,800 employees, ensuring current staff and all new hires are well supported with all their technology needs from hardware and software to the office experience. • Recruited to expand the IT team, which has more than tripled in size, from three to ten employees, while placing a focus on diversity in tech. This was necessary to meet the technological needs a growing company, while providing a service ratio of 200:1 (employees:staff). • Reorganized IT department from one team into five: Helpdesk, Operations, A/V, Engineering, and Project Management, to streamline operations and ensure smooth communication with other departments. • Supervise the hiring, training and mentoring of co-op students from leading Canadian colleges and universities, helping to build a future workforce for our competitive IT environment. • Managed all IT needs, infrastructure and operations for five major office transitions, ensuring uninterrupted service: opening and closing of various offices in Canada and the UK. • Implemented business continuity planning (BCP) and quickly adapted technology to serve the transition to WFH during the pandemic, while continuing to onboard hundreds of new hires. Supported these transitions in all Wealthsimple locations (Canada, the UK and USA) while operating remotely ourselves. • Fully automated onboarding to a zero-touch deployment model, from hardware delivery to device setup, in response to the pressures of a worldwide chip shortage. Co-ordinated with third-party partners to manage our stock levels offsite, while still meeting business requirements around cost and security, and ensuring IT would not create a bottleneck for recruiting. • Recognized for consistently strong communication skills and managing the employee experience. Have regularly scheduled 1<>1 meetings with my team, other managers and directors/leadership. Also invest in the importance of transparent dialogue with other departments.

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