Christopher Just

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Email: ****@****.***
Location: Washington DC-Baltimore Area
Current employer: ETC International LLC
Current title:
CEO & International Training Director
Last updated: 22/05/2023 00:21 AM
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Christopher Just is from Washington DC-Baltimore Area. Christopher is currently CEO & International Training Director at ETC International LLC, located in Virginia Beach, Virginia, United States.

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Christopher Just's current jobs
Title: CEO & International Training Director
Period: Apr 2012 - Present (12 years, 9 months)
Location: Virginia Beach, Virginia, United States

ETC provides customers with security assistance engagements, tailored training solutions, sustainment services, and FMS support services. Founded by the same leadership that established the US Navy's Expeditionary Training Command (ETC) in 2006 (later to become Maritime Civil Affairs & Security Training Command aka MCAST), ETC International provides customers a seamless way to continue their training requirements when MCAST was been disestablished in 2014 and the USCG's international training capability was cut back. We have supported AFRICOM, PACOM, and CENTCOM and expect to be supporting SOUTHCOM, NORTHCOM and EUCOM soon.

Christopher Just's Colleagues
Roger Swigert
Lead Instructor
Virginia Beach, Virginia, United States
Scott Womack
Intercultural and Educational Consultant
Virginia Beach, Virginia, United States
Christopher Just has 2 colleagues in total at ETC International LLC. You can find all of them in FinalScout.
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