Christopher Kravits

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Email: ****@****.***
Location: Salina, Utah, United States
Current title:
Owner and Consulting Geologist
Last updated: 22/05/2023 01:23 AM
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Christopher Kravits is from Salina, Utah, United States. Christopher is currently Owner and Consulting Geologist at Kravits Geological Services LLC, located in Salina, Utah, United States.

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Christopher Kravits's current jobs
Title: Owner and Consulting Geologist
Period: Jan 2000 - Present (25 years)
Location: Salina, Utah, United States

Geological and mining consultant with 43 years of domestic and international experience in the metals and coal mining industries including exploration, evaluation, tenures, project start-up and re-start, operations, government and community relations, and permitting and environmental requirements. Metals experience includes geology, resources, mining, project re-start and facets of processing, economics, and infrastructure. Has evaluated various types of metal deposits and mines and re-started an idled strategic minerals project. Coal experience includes exploration, resource estimation, mining geology, quality control, project start and re-start, beneficiation, support of a thermal power plant and power transmission project, and facets of infrastructure, marketing, transportation, and utilization. Has completed geologic evaluations for acquisition of metal and coal properties and mines in various geologic settings and a variety of extraction methods. Has done competitor reviews and profiles, regional reviews for potential acquisition targets, product improvement projects, and evaluated processing/beneficiation methods. Other related work includes preparation of informational resource documents, litigation support documents, protocols, and others. Has advised on re-mining metal and coal mine wastes, coal mine methane use, corporate staffing and policy, and environmental issues. Has trained geologists and managed employees, consultants, and contractors. Held positions from staff geologist to upper-level management. Is an AIPG Certified Professional Geologist and is a registered or licensed geologist in four states.

Christopher Kravits's Colleagues
Christopher Kravits
Consulting geologist
Salina, Utah, United States
Gloria Higman
office worker
Salina, Utah, United States
Christopher Kravits has 2 colleagues in total at Kravits Geological Services LLC. You can find all of them in FinalScout.
Other people named Christopher Kravits
Christopher Kravits
Consulting geologist
Salina, Utah, United States
There are 1 other "Christopher Kravits". You can find all of them in FinalScout.
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