Cindy Donaldson

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Location: New York City Metropolitan Area
Current employer:
Red Barn Consulting, LLC
Current title:
CEO, Certified High Performance Coach
Last updated: 22/05/2023 01:51 AM
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Cindy Donaldson is from New York City Metropolitan Area. Cindy is currently CEO, Certified High Performance Coach at Red Barn Consulting, LLC, located in Pierson, Florida, United States.

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Cindy Donaldson's current jobs
Company: Red Barn Consulting, LLC
Title: CEO, Certified High Performance Coach
Period: Nov 2013 - Present (11 years, 2 months)
Location: Pierson, Florida, United States

I help individuals and companies uncover their purpose and create a strategy to share their story with the world. As a serial entrepreneur, full time RVer, speaker, writer and Certified High Performance Coach I've experienced a lot, failed a lot and have uncovered not only WHAT makes people successful but how to live a purposeful life at the same time. If you and/or your business is stuck or not thriving - let's talk. I'm part bartender part priest - easy to talk to and I always come up with a solution that will push you forward.

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