Claus A Nielsen

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Email: ****
Location: South Denmark, Denmark
Current employer:
Dansk Fjernvarme
Current title:
Chairman (Heat pumps - for district heating)
Last updated: 22/05/2023 01:46 AM
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Claus A Nielsen is from South Denmark, Denmark. Claus is currently Chairman (Heat pumps - for district heating) at Dansk Fjernvarme, located in Kolding, South Denmark, Denmark.

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Claus A Nielsen's current jobs
Company: Dansk Fjernvarme
Title: Chairman (Heat pumps - for district heating)
Period: Mar 2020 - Present (5 years)
Location: Kolding, South Denmark, Denmark

Heading the Danish heating associations reference group for Heat Pumps. The group is new established and is trying to integrate renewable power in the heating grid to decarbonizing the energy system by introducing heat pump technology ♻️ The work covers all phases from planning, operation and optimization of the HP-technology and system integration both thermal and electrical grids. The aim is to work with all stakeholders including suppliers, consultants, authorities, education- & research institutions and DH-companies to develop better solutions for customers, societies, environment and climate.

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Claus A. Nielsen
Claus A. Nielsen
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