Clinton Autry

Director Of Operations at Amazon
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LinkedIn: Clinton Autry
Location: Denver, Colorado, United States
Current employer: Amazon
Current title:
Director Of Operations
Last updated: 22/05/2023 00:21 AM
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Clinton Autry is from Denver, Colorado, United States. Clinton works in the following industries: "Internet", "Military", "Information Technology & Services", and "Logistics & Supply Chain". Clinton is currently Director Of Operations at Amazon, located in Denver, Colorado, United States. In Clinton's previous role as a General Manager at Amazon, Clinton worked in Greater Denver Area until Apr 2021. Prior to joining Amazon, Clinton was a Assistant General Manager at Amazon and held the position of Assistant General Manager at Greater Denver Area. Prior to that, Clinton was a Senior Operations Manager at Amazon, based in Tampa/St. Petersburg, Florida Area from Feb 2017 to Mar 2018. Clinton started working as Senior Operations Manager - RSP at Amazon in Tampa/St. Petersburg, Florida Area in Jan 2016. From Jul 2015 to Jan 2016, Clinton was Robotics Storage Platform Operations Manager at Amazon, based in Tampa/St. Petersburg, Florida Area. Prior to that, Clinton was a KIVA Flow Operations Manager at Amazon, based in Tampa/St. Petersburg, Florida Area from Jul 2014 to Jul 2015. Clinton started working as Operations Manager at Amazon in Cincinnati, Ohio Area in Jul 2013.

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Clinton Autry's current jobs
Company: Amazon
Title: Director Of Operations
Period: Apr 2021 - Present (3 years, 11 months)
Location: Denver, Colorado, United States
Clinton Autry's past jobs
Company: Amazon
Title: General Manager
Period: Feb 2019 - Apr 2021 (2 years, 2 months)
Location: Greater Denver Area

➢ Created a Culture of Safety and Quality by influencing and making this priority for the DEN3 Leadership team. Developed the Process and put actions in place and assigned regional owners to improve our Regional safety and Quality performance. In Q1, the NW Region decreased in Safety incidents by 33% and Quality went from #3 in the network to #1 with our Q3 Goal of <10K IRDR achieved in Q2 at an actual of 8.7K. ➢ Developed the 2019 Vision for Continuous Improvement and Development at the DEN3 Fulfillment Center into 2019. With this vision, DEN3 was able to focus on specific priorities for CI and create owners for leadership growth and engagement. CI has been instrumental accounting for $500K savings and the creation of the 1:1 process and execution for individual leadership development plan for all 120 leaders and 2500 associates at DEN3. ➢ Responsible for the Partnership with the local community while driving a 1 M Sq. Ft. Fulfillment Center that has the ability to ship and receive 14 M customer units weekly. Was able to successfully partner with the City of Thornton, CO and not only receive Engineering Building of the year, but got accolades for the successful associate pipe line to help develop the community.

Company: Amazon
Title: Assistant General Manager
Period: Apr 2018 - Mar 2019 (11 months)
Location: Greater Denver Area

➢ Owned the Launch of the first Amazon Robotics Sortable site in Colorado. Develop the road map for the launch essentials document to staff a Fulfillment Center with $5.5M operating cost and $6.2B annual revenue, while creating 2500 jobs to the Denver economy. ➢ Hired and Developed the Senior Team to launch an AR sortable while coaching my team how to identify the right candidates. Conducted each interview for all 12 Senior Leaders to help create the culture for the launch of an AR sortable in Denver then taught them how to conduct a valuated interview. This lead to the design of the hiring and development of all 90 operations manager for the launch. ➢ Lead the DEN3 Leadership team through its first ever peak season while coaching on Customer Obsession. Developed the structure and cadence for each department and successfully taught and coached the Senior Team how to develop a successful plan in order to hire 3K hourly associates in 12 weeks while achieving best in class safety, quality and performance to move> 30 M units in 6 weeks. The DEN3 launch was in the top 3 for Amazon from a TPH at 88 and a Customer Delivery and Concession with best in class saving 1.2M in delivery cost for 2018.

Company: Amazon
Title: Senior Operations Manager
Period: Feb 2017 - Mar 2018 (1 year, 1 month)
Location: Tampa/St. Petersburg, Florida Area

➢ Created the Vision and rollout of a two department interchange processes for how TPA1 conducted the Inbound receive and Stow process. With this process change, TPA1 improved from a 129 TPH for IB to a 155 TPH in 6 weeks. This was an 11% YOY improvement and a 22% improvement in Q1 transitioning to Q2. ➢ On Boarded and develop two launch team and a Director of Operations. Communicated and shared standard work, best practices on Safety/Quality/Performance while developing glide paths for each Senior team. ➢ Thought Big and turned an opportunity to develop leaders into a network Senior Operations mentor innovative program. This program was creating a Prep Development Structure in the Amazon Robotics network with an organized approach to how L6 candidates will develop their skills during the interview and entry to the L7 Sr. Ops level.

Company: Amazon
Title: Senior Operations Manager - RSP
Period: Jan 2016 - Feb 2017 (1 year, 1 month)
Location: Tampa/St. Petersburg, Florida Area

➢ Developed the Vision for the RSP Operation to increase productivity YOY. Coached the next level of RSP leaders that increased pick performance by 18.6% YOY and stow performance 82.3% YOY. Lead the team that had the highest pick performance in the history of Amazon. ➢ Delivered the #1 Pick and Stow team in the network for 2016. For the entire year of 2016, TPA1 had the best pick and stow performance versus the other AR Sortable FC. TPA1 RSP team was #1 pick team in the network for form week 13 though week 38 at an average of 10% over the next FC. TPA1 RSP team was #1 stow team in the network from week 17 through week 44 at an average of 20% over the next FC. ➢Promoted and developed new managers to Amazon operations. Had the opportunity to promote 1 level 6 Operations Manager to a level 7 Senior Ops Manager, 6 level 4 area managers to level 5 area managers along with 1 Tier 3 to a level 4 area manager. On boarded 4 new operations manager into the RSP.

Company: Amazon
Title: Robotics Storage Platform Operations Manager
Period: Jul 2015 - Jan 2016 (6 months)
Location: Tampa/St. Petersburg, Florida Area

➢ Executed the 2015 peak season as the AR Sortable Operation Manager at TPA1. Was the lead operations manager for the RSP (Robotics Service Platform) in which TPA1 was able to achieve the highest units per station throughout the network at a high of 5,941 units with a consecutive 13 day over day improvement. ➢ Coached and developed seven Area Mangers, four QBs, and one Ops Manger. Was the Sole POC for Day Shift, led the RSP team into peak and during this time TPA1 RSP executed a plan on cross training and station utilization that was best in the network for the entire peak at 86% success rating. ➢ Created and communicated the 2015 RSP Peak Plan. Shaped the vision and wrote the majority of the RSP Whistle Stop Document that provided the goals for the RSP team and how we were going to accomplish and execute the plan for the most successful peak season at TPA1. TPA1 RSP team led the AR sortable sites in station utilization, units per station, floor health, and pick performance and achieved 90% of all set goals.

Company: Amazon
Title: KIVA Flow Operations Manager
Period: Jul 2014 - Jul 2015 (1 year)
Location: Tampa/St. Petersburg, Florida Area

➢ Established standard work through associate engagement and plan execution. Developed a Sync Board to track specific matrix, established an hourly flow and buffer count, and based on this established standard work the FHD team showed a 33% growth in TPH with 3 months and a grew from the worst performing shift to top two in 6 weeks. ➢ Improved communication, prioritized team development and organized a more efficient IB operation. Showed Bias for Action and an ability to earn trust from peers and team by establishing standard work based on positive associate engagement and these new process gained peer buy in and delivered results quickly. The FHD receive team improved 32% within 6 weeks and was the leading receive team for 8 straight weeks at TPA1. The TPA1 IB dept showed a 20% increase in throughput in Q1 to Q2. ➢ Trained and developed a tenured level 5 to level 6. Identified the key strengths and opportunities for this manager, set up weekly 1:1 meetings and successfully promoted them into an operation manager as a peer. Instilled confidence and gained visibility to this manager’s abilities to lead a team by guiding this manger to step into my role by understanding how to teach and developing his team.

Company: Amazon
Title: Operations Manager
Period: Jul 2013 - Jul 2014 (1 year)
Location: Cincinnati, Ohio Area

➢ Developed and promoted an Area Manager from a Level 4 to a Level 5. Help create and execute an Individual Leadership Development Plan to a highly valued Area Manger that needed development in leadership principals. Held successful 1:1 meeting weekly in order to achieve maximum development. ➢ Led strategic direction and guided accelerated team operations improvement during the 2014 Outbound peak. Developed 3 inexperienced Area Mangers and 1 Area Manager with only 1 year experience. During peak, this management team led the CVG1 Fulfillment Center in throughput with 35 UPH. ➢ Took Ownership and provided direction to improve CVG1 Customer Concession. During week 3 of 2014, concession was at 3932 DPMO. After 9 week of engagement and execution, CVG1 currently has the top 3 concession in the network five weeks running and had a current average DMPO of 1206. Concession decreased 67% in 9 weeks.

Company: Amazon
Title: Area Manager
Period: Feb 2012 - Jul 2013 (1 year, 5 months)
Location: Lexington, Kentucky Area

EARTH’S MOST CUSTOMER-CENTRIC COMPANY ➢ Led 72 associates in the department of Warehouse Deals that has a revenue rate of over 300 million annually. Helped created new processes and engaging associates through servant leadership in grading technical and non-technical items that are in the reverse logistics process. ➢ Conducted a Plan, Do, Check, Adjust (PDCA) in Warehouse Deals with two associates at the Rebox stations in order to Invent and Simplify a standard work process. Communicated to both night and day shift manager and associates on the evolution of the process and decreases a cost of $41,600 annually. ➢ Created a development plan for three associates that focus on 14 leadership principals in order to improve desired growth. All three associated were promoted form tier 1 associates to tier 3 in different areas that each identified an opportunity and showed interest in helping Amazon progress.

Company: CRA Consulting
Title: Business Consulting Analyst
Period: Jul 2011 - Jul 2012 (1 year)
Location: Denver, CO

➢ Spearheaded the operation, logistics, and communication between the FDCI and Ray Morgan in order to support the government affiliations with bank closures. Developed and evolved operating procedures that created and prolonged a client service relationship for over 18 months. ➢ Collaborate with executive level professionals to streamline operations, innovate new processes, and improve team development by effective cost cutting while improving efficiency, and productivity. Researching industry standards to create the most competitive, cutting-edge, dynamic business models. ➢ Excel in planning and overseeing complex regulatory compliance, operations program/process/procedure improvement and staff training and development optimization initiatives that exceed organizational cost reduction, target market growth, efficiency/productivity increase, total client satisfaction and top profitability goals despite tough economic market conditions.

Company: Ray Morgan Company - Your Trusted Business Technology Provider
Period: Dec 2010 - Oct 2011 (10 months)
Location: Sacramento, California Area

INDUSTRY LEADING GLOBAL TECHNOLOGY SOLUTIONS PRODUCTS & SERVICES CORPORATION ➢ Substantially improved operating procedures for warehouse delivery methods and communication materials with a 20% client orders issue error rate. After implementing the new Standard Operating Procedures, errors in deliveries decreased by 12% in 30 days, down to less than 3% in 90 days, creating top client delivery satisfaction rates. ➢ Created more accurate receiving and accountability procedures for the North and Central regions due to inaccurate and unclear procedures. Within 6 months receiving accuracy improved 50% and the accuracy of damaged items increased by 90% to new record lows. ➢ Improved all areas of multi-level interdepartmental communication due to experiencing rapid 12% company employment growth in 2010. Trained and implemented new direct communication lines between all department and locations to increase overall efficiency and staff productivity and creating identified contacts in each department, accuracy of company wide transfers increased by 10%.

Company: Ray Morgan Company
Period: Jun 2009 - Dec 2010 (1 year, 6 months)
Location: Chico, California Area

INDUSTRY LEADING GLOBAL TECHNOLOGY SOLUTIONS PRODUCTS & SERVICES CORPORATION ➢ Appointed by senior company leadership to supervise and improve Refurbishment Department profitability. Research showed efficiency levels and profitability were down for the department to an all time low of 8%. Envisioned and then implemented a performance improvement corrective action plan that turned around divisional performance within 90 days, while raising new equipment profitability by12% over goal. ➢ Successfully trained staff on improved equipment assembly methods/procedures to achieve an accelerated 36-hour equipment delivery process by collaborating with industry experts and devising a detailed and easy to use written publication on new equipment procedures resulting in exceeding 36-hour turn around time goals. ➢ Collaborated with the VP of Sales and CFO to establish a new business critical client relationship with a wholesale vender to increase sales while reducing labor/part burden rates. Potential new vender cost was 30% more than company goal. After improving existing equipment condition, overall department costs were reduced by 25% for parts and 30% for labor.

Company: Consolidated Electrical Distributors (CED)
Period: Jan 2008 - Jun 2009 (1 year, 5 months)
Location: Greater Los Angeles Area

LEADING GLOBAL ELECTRICAL PRODUCTS & SERVICES DISTRIBUTOR ➢ Revamped and streamlined parts supply division after conducting extensive research showing technicians spending an average of $58K/month on parts to support customer base. New systems implementation reduced parts expense 4% in 90 days and by 6% in 180 days. ➢ Identified and trained a top performing employee delegate to manage and spearhead improved executive reporting for all business critical operational areas to improve key decision making information speed and accuracy. New delegate appointment resulted in major gains in departmental reporting speed/accuracy while reducing operating costs within 30 days. ➢ Researched industry benchmark standards and innovated new ways to refurbish used equipment to substantially improve equipment efficiency while decreasing overhead. Research results showed Refurbishment Department’s efficiency ratings improved from 72% to 85% in 90 days, while also decreasing follow up issues with recently produced units by 50% overall.

Period: May 2000 - May 2004 (4 years)

U.S. GOVERNMENT DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE DIVISION SPECIALIZING IN GLOBAL OPERATIONS & LOGISTICS ➢ Directed successful global high performance operations teams who became key company contributors and top performers through effective collaborative training, development and operations support efforts leading to top year over performance improvement gains for key initiatives. Progress was measured by improvements in key performance indicators and the internal promotions of field leaders. Cost controls and asset protection were among best in class. ➢ Led strategic direction and guided accelerated team operations improvement turn-around action plans for global operations initiatives by conducting sweeping changes in personnel, operations, support and through superior tactical execution that transformed poor performing business units into top performers that were awarded for top performance results for all new key company initiatives, programs and formats. ➢ Developed a concentrated focus on individual and group performance improvement by optimizing all organizational manpower/resources which streamlined procedures and consolidated resources eliminating redundancy in the field and improving overall supervision of individual business units. Field leadership was restructured to span supervision across multiple formats under the same Company umbrella. New field structure facilitated dramatic company execution and operations improvements.

Clinton Autry's education
University of Hawaii at Manoa
2004 - 2005
California Polytechnic State University-San Luis Obispo
B.S. Degree
2005 - 2007
Oregon State University
1999 - 2000
Clinton Autry's top skills
Critical Chain Project Management Financial Planning Inventory Management Leadership Development Lean Logistics Budgeting People Management Procedure Development P&L Management Multi-location Management Operations Management Cost Reduction Resource Utilization Process Optimization Process Improvement Contract Negotiation Logistics Management Staff Development Vendor Relations Operations
Clinton Autry's Colleagues
Syed Irfan Ahmed
FBA Amazon Seller
Seattle, Washington, United States
Andrew Raichlin
Seattle, Washington, United States
Abhishek Bhalerao
Manager, Transportation Procurement & Strategy
Seattle, Washington, United States
Diego González
Chief Technology Officer, Book Depository an Amazon Company
Seattle, Washington, United States
Andy Arnott
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