Constantin O Wollenhaupt MA

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Email: ****@****.***
Location: Vienna, Vienna, Austria
Current employer: Vienna Chamber of Commerce
Current title:
Head of Event Management and OPB Center
Last updated: 22/05/2023 00:25 AM
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Constantin O Wollenhaupt MA is from Vienna, Vienna, Austria. Constantin is currently Head of Event Management and OPB Center at Vienna Chamber of Commerce, located in Vienna, Vienna, Austria.

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Constantin O Wollenhaupt MA's current jobs
Title: Head of Event Management and OPB Center
Period: Feb 2022 - Present (2 years, 11 months)
Location: Vienna, Vienna, Austria

Head of Event Management and EPU/OPB Center. The task of the event management is to relieve the colleagues and functionaries of the Chamber of Commerce in Vienna as a client and to provide the best possible support for events. Everything is done from a single source, such as hall and room management, EPU/OPB meeting rooms, the classic event organization, event registration to follow-up support. The commissioning department is responsible for the content and scheduling. The aim is to support or relieve the respective departments in their internal and external events. We act as an interface between the client and the internal and external partners.

Constantin O Wollenhaupt MA's Colleagues
Markus Zoglauer
Mitglied des Ausschusses der WKO Wien Fachgruppe Internethandel
Vienna, Vienna, Austria
Michael Wengermayer
Member of the WKO Vienna Consultant Pool
Vienna, Vienna, Austria
Peter Merten
Innungsmeister / Landesinnung Wien der Mechatroniker
Vienna, Vienna, Austria
Martin Puaschitz
Fachgruppenobmann UBIT Wien
Vienna, Vienna, Austria
Silvia Fleischhacker
Spartengeschäftsführerin Tourismus & Freizeitwirtschaft | Transport & Verkehr
Vienna, Vienna, Austria
Constantin O Wollenhaupt MA has 284 colleagues in total at Vienna Chamber of Commerce. You can find all of them in FinalScout.
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