Corey Willson

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LinkedIn: Corey Willson
Location: Austin, Texas, United States
Current employer: 3M
Current title:
National Sales Manager
Last updated: 22/05/2023 00:16 AM
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Corey Willson is from Austin, Texas, United States. Corey works in the following industries: "Utilities". Corey is currently National Sales Manager at 3M. In Corey's previous role as a Bus. Dev. Mgr. at 3M, Corey worked in until Jan 2011. Prior to joining 3M, Corey was a Marketing Product Manager at 3M and held the position of Marketing Product Manager. Prior to that, Corey was a Industry Marketing Manager at 3M from Jan 1999 to Jan 2001. Corey started working as Engineering Supervisor at 3M in Jan 1985.

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Corey Willson's current jobs
Company: 3M
Title: National Sales Manager
Period: Jan 2011 - Present (14 years)

Corey Willson holds a BSME from the University of Texas and has over 20 years with the 3M Dynatel Locating and Marking business holding leadership positions in Manufacturing, Marketing and Business Development. He has been a featured speaker at numerous industry conferences and has been published in leading industry journals including Underground Construction Magazine, Oil & Gas Journal, Waterworld, Industrial Waterworld, Airport Business Magazine, Underground Focus, RFID Product News, RFID Journal and Position IT. Corey has previously served on the advisory board of the Damage Prevention Conference and currently serves on the Board of Directors of the Common Ground Alliance and a liason for their Data Reporting and OCSI committees. Corey led the 3M initiative for GPS mapping in the locating field and was recently awarded a patent for a GPS interface to a Locating Device. Corey has conducted training seminars in the US, Asia Pacific, Latin America and Europe and has worked with some of the largest utility companies in the US and abroad including ATT, Verizon, Siempre Energy, Duetche Telekom, BP Americas, and the China Underground Pipeline Committee for Locating and Marking applications.

Corey Willson's past jobs
Company: 3M
Title: Bus. Dev. Mgr.
Period: Jan 2007 - Jan 2011 (4 years)

Responsible for Locating and Marking product line business development for US Communications Mkts, All markets for APAC, Latin America, Canada

Company: 3M
Title: Marketing Product Manager
Period: Jan 2001 - Jan 2006 (5 years)

Responsible for US & OUS marketing and business leadership of locating and marking product line. Growth plan creation and execution, creation of market segment plans, new products, trade show & marcom planning. Provided leadership of OUS, 3M Key Account, Adjacent Markets, Rep Firm sales teams

Company: 3M
Title: Industry Marketing Manager
Period: Jan 1999 - Jan 2001 (2 years)

Team project to develop solutions for technician workforce of the futur leveraging Test & Measurement and service business. Project approved as a large new opportunity in February 2000. Led intitiative to develop alliances with leading computer and wireless companies.

Company: 3M
Title: Engineering Supervisor
Period: Jan 1985 - Jan 1989 (4 years)
Corey Willson's education
1977 - 1979
Seoul Foreign School
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