Craig Glendenning

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Email: ****
Location: La Verne, California, United States
Current employer: ZipRecruiter
Current title:
Sr. Software Engineer II
Last updated: 22/05/2023 00:48 AM
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Craig Glendenning is from La Verne, California, United States. Craig is currently Sr. Software Engineer II at ZipRecruiter, located in United States.

You can find Craig Glendenning's email at FinalScout is a professional database with business professional profiles and company profiles.

Craig Glendenning's current jobs
Company: ZipRecruiter
Title: Sr. Software Engineer II
Period: Jul 2017 - Present (7 years, 6 months)
Location: United States

- Provide architectural direction of SQL-based data stores - Write apps in go & operate in a kubernetes ecosystem - Designed & implemented IAM authenticated user management system for all data stores for trivial provisioning/de-provisioning across all data stores - Create a client for all user accounts to consolidate all data store access into one interface that presents available data stores based on assumed IAM role + choice to launch a cli or gui for both Aurora and Redshift. - I love go. Clear is better than clever. - High volume AWS Aurora management (DBA stuff) - Provide clarity on direction & align teams with design principles and goals - Bridge communication gaps when they arise, to ensure everyone is headed toward the right direction - Thrive in a de-centralized organization. I prefer an artist commune to a DMV office.

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