Craig Skip Funicello

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Location: Washington DC-Baltimore Area
Current employer: TechINT Solutions Group, LLC
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Last updated: 22/05/2023 01:11 AM
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Craig Skip Funicello is from Washington DC-Baltimore Area. Craig is currently CEO at TechINT Solutions Group, LLC, located in Fredericksburg, Virginia, United States.

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Craig Skip Funicello's current jobs
Title: CEO
Period: Aug 2011 - Present (13 years, 5 months)
Location: Fredericksburg, Virginia, United States

Mr. Craig “Skip” Funicello founded TechINT Solutions Group in 2011 to provide WTI and Technical Intelligence solutions to DoD and Federal Law Enforcement clients. Skip implements TechINT’s technical and corporate vision and strategy to meets its goals. Skip retired from the U.S. Army in 2005 as an Explosive Ordnance Disposal (EOD) technician. Shortly after his retirement, Skip was employed as a Science and Technology Intelligence (S&TI) analyst supporting the U.S. Army's NGIC Counter-IED Targeting Program (CITP) S&TI Team in 2005, which was rebranded in 2016 as the CITP Weapons Technical Intelligence Team. While deployed under the CITP program, Skip served as the sole CITP-WTI Senior Principle Analyst supporting the Combined Explosive Exploitation Cell (CEXC) Level 2 exploitation and analysis of commercial technologies being employed in both Iraq and Afghanistan. Skip’s intelligence analysis directly supported tactical operations to capture and or kill terrorist bombmakers, emplacers, and leaders, which contributed to saving numerous U.S. and coalition forces’ lives. Skip’s analytical skills and success as a WTI analyst at NGIC, the Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA), and while deployed in support of combat operations in Iraq and Afghanistan provided the foundation to build TechINT as a highly-specialized defense firm focused on the application of technical intelligence analysis. TSG will offer HUBZone Certification and Service Disabled Small Business (SDVOSB) potential to future partnerships, in addition to bringing what we believe are unique skill sets.

Craig Skip Funicello's Colleagues
Tina Johnson
Finance and Accounting Manager
Fredericksburg, Virginia, United States
Thomas Crowley
Journeyman All-Source and GEOINT Intelligence Analyst/Operations Research Analyst
Fredericksburg, Virginia, United States
Tyrone Palmer, M.P.S
All Source Analyst
Fredericksburg, Virginia, United States
Jason Scarborough
EOD Analyst
Fredericksburg, Virginia, United States
Daniel Schepers
Fredericksburg, Virginia, United States
Craig Skip Funicello has 25 colleagues in total at TechINT Solutions Group, LLC. You can find all of them in FinalScout.
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