Creativ Technologies

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Email: ****@****.***
Location: Centreville, Virginia, United States
Current employer: Creativ Technologies
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Last updated: 22/05/2023 01:33 AM
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Creativ Technologies is from Centreville, Virginia, United States. Creativ is currently Owner at Creativ Technologies, located in Centreville, Virginia, United States.

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Creativ Technologies's current jobs
Title: Owner
Period: Jul 2011 - Present (13 years, 6 months)
Location: Centreville, Virginia, United States

Creativ Technologies is an e-Learning service provider based in Gurgaon, India with its headquarter in Northern Virginia. It was established in July 2012. We develop innovative eLearning solutions tailored to a learner’s specific needs. We expertise in various e-learning solutions, such as custom learning, mobile learning, instructor-led and visual learning, micro-learning, simulations, etc. We aim at addressing all short-term and long-term learning needs of the client and take pride in delivering rapid and cost-effective e-learning solutions. Our e-learning solutions have created a positive impact on the way organizations learn and grow. These solutions are learner-centric and performance-oriented. Our clients love our innovative solutions, efficient processes, technical expertise and creativity at par.

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Creativ Technologies
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