Cristina Gomez Prada

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Email: ****a@hanzo.es
Location: Greater Madrid Metropolitan Area
Current employer:
Hanzo Studio
Current title:
Chief Operating Officer
Last updated: 22/05/2023 01:06 AM
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Cristina Gomez Prada is from Greater Madrid Metropolitan Area. Cristina Gomez is currently Chief Operating Officer at Hanzo Studio, located in Barcelona, Catalonia, Spain.

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Cristina Gomez Prada's current jobs
Company: Hanzo Studio
Title: Chief Operating Officer
Period: Feb 2020 - Present (4 years, 11 months)
Location: Barcelona, Catalonia, Spain

As COO and member of the Board, I work to drive and lead the overall direction of the business alongside the CEO: • Leading the global operation of the studio ensuring business optimization • Participating in Board activity and strategic business decisions affecting people, business and operations • Defining, alongside the CEO, the strategic, commercial and operational vision of Hanzo and actively participating in its execution • Leading and managing key client relationships • Leading a fully-remote team ensuring they enjoy the best possible environment to achieve their own potential and perform their roles successfully

Cristina Gomez Prada's Colleagues
Eduardo de Felipe
Chief Executive Officer
Madrid, Community of Madrid, Spain
José Luis Fernández
Madrid, Community of Madrid, Spain
Borja Delgado
Board Member
Madrid, Community of Madrid, Spain
Diego Blanco
Founder / Chief Design Officer
Madrid, Community of Madrid, Spain
María Álvarez de Linera Ros
Head of People
Madrid, Community of Madrid, Spain
Cristina Gomez Prada has 67 colleagues in total at Hanzo Studio. You can find all of them in FinalScout.
Other people named Cristina Gomez Prada
Diana Cristina Gomez Prada
Asistente Local de Seguridad
Panama City, Panamá, Panama
There are 2 other "Cristina Gomez Prada". You can find all of them in FinalScout.
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