Dalia Ahmed Al Khalaf

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Email: ****@****.***
Location: Doha, Qatar
Current employer:
Equine Veterinary Medical Center
Current title:
Chief Executive Officer
Last updated: 24/08/2023 14:24 PM
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Dalia Ahmed Al Khalaf is from Doha, Qatar. Dalia Ahmed is currently Chief Executive Officer at Equine Veterinary Medical Center , located in Doha, Qatar.

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Dalia Ahmed Al Khalaf's current jobs
Company: Equine Veterinary Medical Center
Title: Chief Executive Officer
Period: Jun 2022 - Present (2 years, 7 months)
Location: Doha, Qatar

The first of its kind in the Middle East, Equine Veterinary Medical Center (EVMC) comprises an equine referral hospital, veterinary diagnostic laboratory, and clinical research laboratory. EVMC is a member of Qatar Foundation and is located within Qatar Foundation’s world-class equine facilities at Al Shaqab. EVMC is staffed by board-certified veterinarians and researchers, applying advanced veterinary techniques and procedures in the treatment of equine patients. The research program aims to advance veterinary science through collaborations and clinical research projects. Specialized services at EVMC include surgery, internal medicine, theriogenology, sports medicine and rehabilitation, dentistry, diagnostic imaging and anesthesiology/pain management. EVMC also provides 24/7 emergency service. EVMC is equipped with the latest imaging technology, including a 3T MRI, CT-scan, nuclear scintigraphy, digital x-rays, endoscopy, and ultrasound. The center has 3 operating theaters, lameness examination on various surfaces, isolation facilities, necropsy, a farrier workshop, a pharmacy, and stabling for 50 horses. The center is committed to promoting veterinary sciences and offers educational programs and opportunities at many different levels.

Dalia Ahmed Al Khalaf's Colleagues
Procurement Coordinator
Jessica P Johnson
Equine Surgeon at EVMC
Doha, Qatar
Noel Stephen Dale Tanco
Technology Specialist
Doha, Qatar
Dr. Wasiq Mehmood
Diagnostic Laboratory Manager
Doha, Qatar
Tiago Fernandes
Equine Internal Medicine Resident
Doha, Qatar
Dalia Ahmed Al Khalaf has 23 colleagues in total at Equine Veterinary Medical Center . You can find all of them in FinalScout.
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