Damien Farrell

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Email: ****l@humbli.com.au
Location: Greater Melbourne Area
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Chief Executive Officer
Last updated: 02/05/2024 15:59 PM
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Damien Farrell is from Greater Melbourne Area. Damien is currently Chief Executive Officer at humbliAU, located in Melbourne, Victoria, Australia.

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Damien Farrell's current jobs
Company: humbliAU
Title: Chief Executive Officer
Period: Jan 2022 - Present (3 years)
Location: Melbourne, Victoria, Australia

Many people enter major financial commitments under-informed and at risk. This is bad for consumers, bad for financial service providers, and bad for society. Humbli creates targeted, high impact learning - delivered in the 'moments that matter' and elegantly embedded in the customer journey - so that everyone wins. Humbli is what happens when digital learning specialists bring an education-first and impact-investing ethos to financial services. Humbli partners with lenders, banks and other financial service sector businesses who want to help their customers be more successful financial citizens and improve their bottom lines in the progress.

Damien Farrell's Colleagues
Joanne Barrow
Chief Customer Officer
Melbourne, Victoria, Australia
Carl Maissan
Co-founder & Chief Financial Officer
Melbourne, Victoria, Australia
Tania Mayrhofer
Strategic Advisor
Melbourne, Victoria, Australia
Dugald King
Chief Risk Officer (CRO)
Melbourne, Victoria, Australia
Louisa Keck
Non Executive Director
Melbourne, Victoria, Australia
Damien Farrell has 10 colleagues in total at humbliAU. You can find all of them in FinalScout.
Other people named Damien Farrell
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Vice-President, Advancement
Victoria Point, Queensland, Australia
Damien Farrell
Director, Sales Finance
Hickory, North Carolina, United States
Damien Farrell
Business Financial Consultant
Dublin 12, County Dublin, Ireland
There are 41 other "Damien Farrell". You can find all of them in FinalScout.
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