Dana Farrugia

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Email: ****a@tech.mt
Location: Valletta, Malta
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Last updated: 22/05/2023 01:49 AM
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Dana Farrugia is from Valletta, Malta. Dana is currently CEO at Tech.mt, located in Żejtun, Malta.

You can find Dana Farrugia's email on finalScout.com. FinalScout is a popular professional database with more than 500 million business professionals and over 200 million company profiles.

Dana Farrugia's current jobs
Company: Tech.mt
Title: CEO
Period: Mar 2019 - Present (5 years, 10 months)
Location: Żejtun, Malta

Entrusted with the branding, transformation and establishment of Tech.mt. The main responsibility is to promote Malta at a National level as a Technology Hub of choice. Through various initiatives ensure sectorial growth and increase in gross value added of the sector both by assisting the local sector to grow and by attracting foreign direct investment. Ensuring the overall implementation of the policies of Tech.MT and develop the relative plans, budgets and objectives. Invest in Research and Development to nurture innovation and development within the technology sector. Allocate at all times resources in all departments at an optimum level to ensure that the targets are achieved, the controls are met and the results are attained. Responsible to formulate strategy and present it to the Board of Tech.MT for final approval. Ensuring that personnel working at Tech.MT are well trained and motivated to offer the best service to the sector. Keep operations under constant review and report to the Board of Tech.MT. Also responsible to present the management reports to keep the Board members updated on the developments of Tech.MT.

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Dana Farrugia
dana farrugia
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