Daniel Hall

iOS at Twitter
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LinkedIn: Daniel Hall
Current employer: Twitter
Current title:
Senior Software Engineer
Last updated: 22/05/2023 00:27 AM
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Daniel works in the following industries: "Computer Software", "Internet", "Marketing & Advertising", "Hospital & Health Care", "Financial Services", "Computer Games", and "Retail". Daniel is currently Senior Software Engineer at Twitter. In Daniel's previous role as a iOS Architect at Wayfair, Daniel worked in until Oct 2020. Prior to joining Wayfair, Daniel was a Technical Director, Mobile Applications at Charles Schwab and held the position of Technical Director, Mobile Applications. Prior to that, Daniel was a iOS Platform Lead at Charles Schwab, based in Greater Denver Area from Feb 2016 to Sep 2018. Daniel started working as Lead iOS Developer, iOS Consultant at The Coding Edge in Colorado Springs, Colorado Area in Jul 2009. From Jun 2015 to Feb 2016, Daniel was Senior iOS Software Developer at TrueCar, Inc.. Prior to that, Daniel was a Senior iOS Software Engineer at iTriage, LLC, based in Greater Denver Area from Nov 2014 to Jun 2015. Daniel started working as iOS Software Engineer at Double Encore in Greater Denver Area in Jan 2014.

You can find Daniel Hall's email at finalscout.com. FinalScout is a professional database with business professional profiles and company profiles.

Daniel Hall's current jobs
Company: Twitter
Title: Senior Software Engineer
Period: Oct 2020 - Present (4 years, 4 months)
Daniel Hall's past jobs
Company: Wayfair
Title: iOS Architect
Period: Sep 2019 - Oct 2020 (1 year, 1 month)

Responsible for building common libraries and frameworks to be used by 75+ iOS developers across a dozen teams, leading refactors or fixes for particularly problematic areas of the code base, and helping other developers create resilient solutions and learn best practices. • Established core principles for architecture and testing • Created and documented framework for measuring and testing performance in app with millions of users • Created and documented framework for automatically sequencing and safely managing state for dozens of concurrent app startup tasks

Company: Charles Schwab
Title: Technical Director, Mobile Applications
Period: Sep 2018 - Sep 2019 (1 year)

• Responsible for building the teams, tools, and frameworks for the Mobile One initiative at Schwab. This initiative is unifying the 7 different apps and multiple mobile development teams onto a core of shared feature modules, a common design system, best practices in test automation, and modern architecture. • Created the core reactive architecture (and the framework for building with it) and trained developers on using it • Created the BDD test framework that parses Gherkin test scenarios, runs the tests through Xcode's native unit and UI testing tools, and reports on results. Also built tools for running screenshot comparison tests. Trained developers, QA and Product on writing and using Gherkin and a BDD process and using these tools. • Created / implemented the common design system framework that allows any shared feature module to adopt the branding / theming of its host application automatically and enables white-labeling of certain products and features. • Implemented the common modules for Networking, Cache, Keychain management and Local Persistence that are used across features and apps, and which also allow for easy mocking of those dependencies for testing. • Architected and led implementation of shared authentication and portfolio features. • Responsible for remediating security issues and being a mobile security subject matter expert

Company: Charles Schwab
Title: iOS Platform Lead
Period: Feb 2016 - Sep 2018 (2 years, 7 months)
Location: Greater Denver Area

Built and led the iOS team in charge of building out the native app for Schwab's new robo-advisor product. Personally coded some of the most key and challenging features, including Dashboard, Goal Simulation, Login / Authentication and more. Also responsible for screening and selecting candidates, and training / mentoring new developers on the team, plus consulting on Swift, iOS and architecture for other mobile teams at Schwab • Led the team from start to finish on buidling and releasing a new native universal app that adapts for iPhone and iPad in various multitasking configurations. The app has won a few awards, including this year's StockBrokers.com award for the best robo-advisor mobile app. • Established the processes for code review, pull requests, testing and best practices for Swift and iOS coding. • Wrote core architecture and frameworks used by the Schwab family of robo- advisor apps

Company: The Coding Edge
Title: Lead iOS Developer, iOS Consultant
Period: Jul 2009 - Mar 2016 (6 years, 8 months)
Location: Colorado Springs, Colorado Area

Contract iOS developer and consultant on a number of projects including a language learning game, a popular social networking app, and a leading sheet music application.

Company: TrueCar, Inc.
Title: Senior iOS Software Developer
Period: Jun 2015 - Feb 2016 (8 months)

Re-architected and rebuilt core parts of an existing app for future open sourcing. Implemented new features and refactored problematic code for a new mobile product.

Company: iTriage, LLC
Title: Senior iOS Software Engineer
Period: Nov 2014 - Jun 2015 (7 months)
Location: Greater Denver Area

Responsible for architecting and implementing features from the ground up for a new consumer-focused application as well as researching and prototyping new tools and technology.

Company: Double Encore
Title: iOS Software Engineer
Period: Jan 2014 - Nov 2014 (10 months)
Location: Greater Denver Area

Lead Engineer on the official iOS app for a major 3-letter sports league with millions of users and featured multiple times by Apple. Led and maintained coding standards for a team of 2 - 8 engineers, introduced and implemented automated testing, mentored junior devs, and personally coded a number of key features of the app.

Company: Cie Games
Title: Lead Developer
Period: Nov 2010 - Jan 2014 (3 years, 2 months)
Location: Greater Los Angeles Area

Responsible for architecting and programming core frameworks, features and functionality for 2 top-grossing iOS games. Developed a proprietary isometric engine, custom OpenX framework and rapid prototypes for high performance mini-games. Led iOS debugging, code review, best practices and architecture. Created a number of core systems and tools for a top ten Facebook game that has had 40+ million users. Was responsible for architecting and implementing large- scale new features and high-profile integrations with Prius, State Farm and more.

Company: Panache
Title: Director, Client Services
Period: Jun 2008 - Nov 2010 (2 years, 5 months)
Location: Greater Los Angeles Area

Lead architect and developer for most custom software projects undertaken for major entertainment clients: Fox, Fox News, CBS, NBC, PBS, MTV, MSNBC, and others. Built video players, custom ad formats, ad delivery and tracking plugins, etc.

Daniel Hall's education
University of California, Berkeley
Daniel Hall's top skills
Unit Testing Mobile Applications Test Automation Software Design Patterns CocoaPods Object-Oriented Programming (OOP) Swift Subversion Object Oriented Design Core Data Objective-C Xcode Design Patterns Software Architecture iOS Development C Git OOP Agile Methodologies Functional Programming
Daniel Hall's Colleagues
Christian Castro Gonzalez
Global IT, Manager CPE
San Francisco, California, United States
Jannon Siler MBA PMP
Head of CX Strategy & Operations
San Francisco, California, United States
Kimberly C.
Head of IT Strategy & Business Operations
San Francisco, California, United States
Yoon Choi
Revenue Strategy and Operations Manager
San Francisco, California, United States
Irene Tang
Manager, IT
San Francisco, California, United States
Daniel Hall has 8K+ colleagues in total at Twitter. You can find all of them in FinalScout.
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