Daniel Himawan

Procurement | Purchasing Manager
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LinkedIn: Daniel Himawan
Location: 印尼 Jakarta
Current employer: PT Pharos Indonesia
Current title:
Senior Procurement Manager
Last updated: 22/05/2023 00:29 AM
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Daniel Himawan is from 印尼 Jakarta. Daniel works in the following industries: "制药", and "食品和饮料". Daniel is currently Senior Procurement Manager at PT Pharos Indonesia, located in Jakarta. In Daniel's previous role as a Supply Chain Manager at PT. Kokumindo Berkat Makmur, Daniel worked in until Aug 2019. Prior to joining PT. Kokumindo Berkat Makmur, Daniel was a Freelance at Freelance and held the position of Freelance. Prior to that, Daniel was a Manager Procurement at PT MAXX COFFEE PRIMA, based in Tangerang from Mar 2017 to Dec 2018. Daniel started working as Manager Purchasing & Procurement Service at PT Pharos Indonesia in Jakarta Selatan in Mar 2014. From Apr 2013 to Oct 2013, Daniel was Finance Accounting Supervisor at PT. Mtech Engineering Nusantara, based in Jakarta Barat. Prior to that, Daniel was a Senior Finance Accounting Officer at PT. TERANG PARTS INDONESIA, based in Jakarta Barat - Serpong from Dec 2010 to Apr 2013. Daniel started working as Finance Accounting Officer at PT. Surya Tanjung Priok / PT. Sinar Tanjung Priok in Jakarta Utara in Dec 2008.

You can find Daniel Himawan's email at finalscout.com. FinalScout is a professional database with business professional profiles and company profiles.

Daniel Himawan's current jobs
Title: Senior Procurement Manager
Period: Sep 2019 - Present (5 years, 5 months)
Location: Jakarta

- Lead meeting for New Project Tender (aanwijzing) - Sourcing for Pharmaceutical & Cosmetics Machine - Collecting information, review existing and new vendor (pharmaceutical & cosmetics machine) - contractor (Civil Mechanical Engineering) - Building, negotiation and dealing contract/agreement with vendor - contractor - Analyze and compare prices, specifications, and delivery dates in order to determine the best bid among - Identify and define user requirements (RFQ/URS/BQ), and give recommendation - Create Purchase Order (PO) for daily purchasing and Work Order (SPK) for Project

Daniel Himawan's past jobs
Company: PT. Kokumindo Berkat Makmur
Title: Supply Chain Manager
Period: Jun 2019 - Aug 2019 (2 months)
Company: Freelance
Title: Freelance
Period: Dec 2018 - May 2019 (5 months)
Title: Manager Procurement
Period: Mar 2017 - Dec 2018 (1 year, 9 months)
Location: Tangerang

- Lead weekly meeting for Procurement Department and offer solutions for any problems raised by all Procurement teams - Negotiate rates, terms & conditions with vendors and ensure that the lowest total cost is achieved - Cooperate with other Department Head & Division Head to accomplish any Company Projects in timely manner - Build solid relationship with all vendors to support company business - Design & implement SOP for Supply Chain Division (Procurement + Warehouse & Logistic + Inventory) - Set-up KPI for Procurement Department and Vendor (performance) - Set-up and implement Good Corporate Governance in Procurement Department - Manage and monitor 2 Senior Buyer (Ast. manager) - 3 Buyer (Spv) - 2 Junior Buyer (Staff) to perform their jobs accordingly - Collaborate with Warehouse & Logistic Department and Inventory to ensure all needs are fullfiled - Review & Customize SAP system for Procurement with IT and Finance Accounting Dept. - Review all process, to simplify and cost - time efficient - Report each above activities to Supply Chain Division Head (GM) and CFO

Title: Manager Purchasing & Procurement Service
Period: Mar 2014 - Feb 2017 (2 years, 11 months)
Location: Jakarta Selatan

- Lead weekly meeting for Purchasing Procurement Department and offer solutions for any problems raised by all teams member - Search and handle supplier and contractor for New Factory project - Counting Project costing - Develop e-Tender for Purchasing with IT Department - Collecting information, review existing and new vendor (pharmaceutical & cosmetics machine) - contractor (Civil Mechanical Engineering) - Building, negotiation and dealing contract/agreement with vendor - contractor - Analyze and compare prices, specifications, and delivery dates in order to determine the best bid among potential suppliers - Track the status of delivery, requisitions, contracts, orders, including import documents - Check shipments when they arrive to ensure that orders have been filled correctly and that goods meet specifications - Reviews record for accuracy of information and compliances with established procedures - Identify and define user requirement, and give recommendation

Company: PT. Mtech Engineering Nusantara
Title: Finance Accounting Supervisor
Period: Apr 2013 - Oct 2013 (6 months)
Location: Jakarta Barat

Provide project costing, controlling cash-flow, prepare tax report, follow-up project progress, checking AR-AP, prepare bank cheque, make agreement with customer, design internal control system, design standard operation procedure.

Title: Senior Finance Accounting Officer
Period: Dec 2010 - Apr 2013 (2 years, 4 months)
Location: Jakarta Barat - Serpong

maintain consignment stock, follow-up consignment update, prepare documents for sales in Batam (Free Trade Zone), checking stock in PDC Toyota & Daihatsu, preparing billing for consignment sales, provide sales report for marketing division, negotiate with customer, control consignment sales, review inventory movement-sales

Company: PT. Surya Tanjung Priok / PT. Sinar Tanjung Priok
Title: Finance Accounting Officer
Period: Dec 2008 - Nov 2010 (1 year, 11 months)
Location: Jakarta Utara

Prepare annual tax report, internal control, control AR-AP, annual stock opname, cash-flow, annual accounting report, provide sales report

Daniel Himawan's education
Universitas Trisakti
Magister Manajemen / Master Degree
2012 - 2016
Ikatan Konsultan Pajak Indonesia
Brevet A-B
2011 - 2011
Universitas Bina Nusantara (Binus)
Sarjana Komputer / Bachelor of Computer Science
2003 - 2008
Daniel Himawan's top skills
Business Financial Analysis Management Analysis Cost Management Tax Preparation Cost Control Cash Management Project Planning Inventory Management Procurement Cost Accounting Internal Controls Negotiation Project Finance Process Improvement Program Management Accounting Internal Audit Marketing Strategy
Daniel Himawan's Colleagues
Maladi Matthew
Operation & Project Director
Agus Tikno Widodo
General Manager
Dony Cahyadi
General Manager
Hendra Atmaja
Purchasing Manager
Yosep Winoto
General Manager - Business Intelligence (Online Business Division)
Daniel Himawan has 1.5K+ colleagues in total at PT Pharos Indonesia. You can find all of them in FinalScout.
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