Danny P

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Email: ****@****.***
Location: Greater Melbourne Area
Current employer: Beltap Capital
Current title:
Founder and Director
Last updated: 22/05/2023 01:50 AM
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Danny P is from Greater Melbourne Area. Danny is currently Founder and Director at Beltap Capital, located in Melbourne, Victoria, Australia. In Danny's previous role as a Off Platform Assets, Billings, Cash Payments and Reconciliation Manager at Powerwrap Limited, Danny worked in until Aug 2018.

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Danny P's current jobs
Company: Beltap Capital
Title: Founder and Director
Period: Sep 2018 - Present (6 years, 4 months)
Location: Melbourne, Victoria, Australia

Beltap Capital sources and secures unique investment opportunities that investor have not previously had an opportunity to access in various markets such as Australia, UK and the US. The Beltap team not only source these unique investment opportunities, they have the networks to take them to investor groups through their key B2B markets. Their networks include groups of individuals that are like minded in their investment philosophies. Beltap has the knowledge and global experience to see through the development of these unique investment solutions for the investors. Beltap Capital is a technology company that brings unique investment software and app products to markets that provide Australian investors with easier to use, more efficient technology platforms that empower their client and personal investment businesses decision making. These platforms will also support the profiling of the innovative, never seen before investment products, that will be channeled into the solutions platforms.

Danny P's past jobs
Company: Powerwrap Limited
Title: Off Platform Assets, Billings, Cash Payments and Reconciliation Manager
Period: Sep 2015 - Aug 2018 (2 years, 11 months)
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