Danny Quilton

Co-founder and CTO at Capacitas. Control cloud cost, improve scale and stability in large, complex IT systems. World-class performance & scalability with predictable cloud costs; easyJet, Skype and JD Sports.
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Email: ****n@capacitas.co.uk
LinkedIn: Danny Quilton
Location: London, England, United Kingdom
Current employer: Capacitas Ltd.
Current title:
Chief Technology Officer
Last updated: 22/05/2023 00:03 AM
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Danny Quilton is from London, England, United Kingdom. Danny is currently Chief Technology Officer at Capacitas Ltd., located in Clerkenwell, England, United Kingdom.

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Danny Quilton's current jobs
Company: Capacitas Ltd.
Title: Chief Technology Officer
Period: Feb 2002 - Present (22 years, 11 months)
Location: Clerkenwell, England, United Kingdom

As CTO at Capacitas I have worked with our clients to deliver the following results: • At JD Sports we delivered an x2.5 increase in Black Friday revenue over the previous year. There were zero additional capacity costs • At Ancestry.com we delivered a 75% reduction in cloud spend with no negative impact on performance • We helped Skype scale from 40m-90m subscribers while reducing cloud spend by 26%. Stability improved during this same period with a 96% reduction in incidents. • At easyJet we improved the scalability of one of its mission-critical systems. At the same we improved performance by 90%, reducing cloud cost by 90%. My key achievements at Capacitas: • Designed and developed a product to enable the load testing of online stores as part of a Peak Preparation service. Employed the product to ensure successful peak trading for web sites such as London Marathon, JD Sports and Moonpig.com • Created and delivered leading performance engineering/capacity management public training courses. Over 500 attendees from international blue-chip clients • Founded a graduate and internship programme and established partnerships with major UK universities. Multiple graduates went on to become part of the leadership team at Capacitas. • Presented at numerous industry events worldwide including Butler Group, CMG, itSMF and Cloud Expo. • Published thought-leadership with City AM as well as Venture and ‘.net’ magazines • Developed a cloud optimisation diagnostic to identify $multi-million savings in annual spend

Danny Quilton's education
University of Birmingham
B Eng (Hons)
1990 - 1993
Danny Quilton's top skills
Neural Networks Service Delivery Cloud Computing Performance Analysis Performance Improvement Machine Learning Performance Testing Unix Consulting Performance Engineering Deep Learning IT Management SQL Scalability Management Cloud Optimization Amazon Web Services (AWS) Linux IT Service Management Cost Reduction
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