Dave Edwards FR Ae S

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Email: ****s@aerosociety.com
Location: Windsor, England, United Kingdom
Current employer: Royal Aeronautical Society
Current title:
Chief Executive
Last updated: 22/05/2023 01:37 AM
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Dave Edwards FR Ae S is from Windsor, England, United Kingdom. Dave is currently Chief Executive at Royal Aeronautical Society, located in London, England, United Kingdom.

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Dave Edwards FR Ae S's current jobs
Title: Chief Executive
Period: Sep 2021 - Present (3 years, 4 months)
Location: London, England, United Kingdom

As the world’s only professional body dedicated to the aerospace community, the Royal Aeronautical Society exists to further the advancement of aeronautical art, science and engineering around the world. Established in 1866, the Society has been at the forefront of developments in aerospace, seeking to promote the highest professional standards and provide a central forum for sharing knowledge.

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