David Griffith

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Email: ****d@ecsphilly.org
Location: Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, United States
Current employer:
Delaware Valley Floral Group
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Last updated: 22/05/2023 01:20 AM
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David Griffith is from Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, United States. David is currently Chairman at Delaware Valley Floral Group, located in Sewell, New Jersey, United States. David also works as Chairman at The McEwen Family Scholarship Trust, a job David has held since Jan 2007.

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David Griffith's current jobs
Company: Delaware Valley Floral Group
Title: Chairman
Period: Jan 2007 - Present (18 years)
Location: Sewell, New Jersey, United States
Company: The McEwen Family Scholarship Trust
Title: Chairman
Period: Jan 2007 - Present (18 years)

The trust provides scholarships to the children of Modern Group Ltd employees. It also supports a number of educational efforts in the Philadelphia region including the Philadelphia World Affairs Council, The Academy of Natural Science/ Drexel, Bucks Community College and LaSalle.

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