David Hack

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Email: ****k@naturalcommerce.com
Location: Charleston, South Carolina Metropolitan Area
Current employer:
Natural Commerce
Current title:
Founder, Chairman, & CEO
Last updated: 21/05/2023 23:58 PM
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David Hack is from Charleston, South Carolina Metropolitan Area. David is currently Founder, Chairman, & CEO at Natural Commerce, located in Charleston, South Carolina, United States.

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David Hack's current jobs
Company: Natural Commerce
Title: Founder, Chairman, & CEO
Period: Jan 2015 - Present (10 years)
Location: Charleston, South Carolina, United States

Natural Commerce’s mission has always been to provide consumers with the most convenient means of shopping for natural, specialty, and organic foods. Natural Commerce is now the largest aggregated network of wholesalers, retailers, and grocery stores, as well as the largest aggregated repository of pictures, ingredients, descriptions, and nutritional information, as well as the largest drop shipping fulfillment network ever created in the natural, specialty, and organic food space to help everyone on our platform sell more products to more customers more often. Natural Commerce has two central solution’s- API/EDI or Endless Aisle Marketplace. As an end-to-end solution, Natural Commerce can run everything from customer service through to fulfillment. Natural Commerce connects to a company’s existing E-commerce engine through an API or EDI or Natural Commerce will build and run an Endless Aisle Marketplace website, at no cost to the retailer. Either way, Natural Commerce allows companies to get a higher average cart, greater share of wallet, as well as an increased customer base. As the central aggregator for this space, Natural Commerce will be a major tool against Amazon and Walmart through group buying (hundreds of brands processing hundreds of thousands of orders all on one central platform equals lower Cost of Goods Sold as well as lower costs for consumers) than any brand can achieve on their own. Natural Commerce is also a turnkey solution, so every retailer is up and running in months, not years if a brand were to do this on their own. Finally, Natural Commerce offers “unlimited aisles” with over 50,000 SKUs. Natural Commerce is the ideal way to expand meeting more consumer’s needs beyond brick and mortar (limited by shelf space), pick and pack (limited by brick and mortar), or old school purchasing and warehousing goods on their own models.

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