David Mullings

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Email: ****
Location: Greater Orlando
Current employer:
Blue Mahoe Holdings
Current title:
Chairman and C.E.O.
Last updated: 18/06/2024 09:28 AM
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David Mullings is from Greater Orlando. David is currently Chairman and C.E.O. at Blue Mahoe Holdings, located in Orlando, Florida, United States. David also works as Chairman, President and Chief Executive Officer at Blue Mahoe Capital Partners, a job David has held since Aug 2019.

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David Mullings's current jobs
Company: Blue Mahoe Holdings
Title: Chairman and C.E.O.
Period: Dec 2023 - Present (1 year, 1 month)
Location: Orlando, Florida, United States

- Develop business plan and oversee execution of strategy - Identify and lead team members to deliver on the vision - Negotiate strategic business partnerships and manage capital allocation to generate strong risk-adjusted returns for shareholders

Title: Chairman, President and Chief Executive Officer
Period: Aug 2019 - Present (5 years, 5 months)
Location: Miami, Florida, United States

Allocate capital, manage portfolio; Set the vision of the organization; hire, develop and inspire the team. Manage investor relations. Provide guidance on structuring special purpose investment vehicles to invest tax efficiently between the Caribbean and USA; Leverage my network to identify investment opportunities for the team to conduct due diligence; Participate in key meetings to ensure comfort with operating plan, vision and partners.

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