David Searle

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Email: ****e@manufacturersalliance.co.uk
Location: Knutsford, England, United Kingdom
Current employer: The Manufacturers Alliance
Current title:
Last updated: 22/05/2023 01:46 AM
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David Searle is from Knutsford, England, United Kingdom. David is currently Chairman at The Manufacturers Alliance, located in Bolton, England, United Kingdom.

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David Searle's current jobs
Title: Chairman
Period: May 2015 - Present (9 years, 8 months)
Location: Bolton, England, United Kingdom

The Manufacturers Alliance is a community of trusted manufacturing leaders sharing knowledge and experience on how to grow and sustain a high performing business. It is an opportunity for leaders from the UK manufacturing community to accelerate their own personal development and business performance. 
This mastermind collaboration has indefinitely changed the way the sector’s business leaders support each other, test new ideas and drive the growth of the UK economy. 
 Groups are launching throughout the UK during 2015-17. Contact me if you like to become part of the Alliance?

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