David Tran

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Email: ****n@optelos.com
Location: Houston, Texas, United States
Current employer:
Current title:
CEO & Co-Founder
Last updated: 15/10/2023 17:33 PM
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David Tran is from Houston, Texas, United States. David is currently CEO & Co-Founder at Optelos, located in Austin, Texas, United States.

David Tran can be found on Finalscout.com, where members can access David Tran's email for free. Finalscout is a professional database with more than 500 million business professional profiles and 200 million company profiles.

David Tran's current jobs
Company: Optelos
Title: CEO & Co-Founder
Period: Apr 2016 - Present (8 years, 9 months)
Location: Austin, Texas, United States

Our mission at Optelos is to help Enterprises gain insights from visual data. Our patent pending visual data management and AI Analytics software turns unstructured data into answers and delivers that data in meaningful ways. We ingest massive datasets, our purpose built AI machine learning libraries can detect issues down to the pixel level, delivering actionable answers. Our cloud base software provides all the tools to tag, annotate, and visualize data from images to 3D models all in a unified workflow. Project results are easily delivered to clients and stakeholders with a few simple clicks.

David Tran's Colleagues
Ed Sztuka
Chief Revenue Officer
Austin, Texas, United States
Paul Tyree
Member Board of Directors
Austin, Texas, United States
Mark Bauman
Vice President Marketing
Austin, Texas, United States
Kevin McKeand
Vice-Chairman - Investor
Austin, Texas, United States
Sandy Perez
Vice President of Sales-Manufacturing, Utilities, & Telecom
Austin, Texas, United States
David Tran has 24 colleagues in total at Optelos. You can find all of them in FinalScout.
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