Deborah Coram

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Email: ****m@safetrac.com
Location: Hawthorn East, Victoria, Australia
Current employer:
BoardTRAC Pty Ltd
Current title:
Director & CEO
Last updated: 03/05/2024 07:39 AM
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Deborah Coram is from Hawthorn East, Victoria, Australia. Deborah is currently Director & CEO at BoardTRAC Pty Ltd, located in Carlton, Victoria, Australia. Deborah also works as Director & CEO at Safetrac Pty Ltd, a job Deborah has held since Apr 2011.

You can find Deborah Coram's email at finalscout.com. FinalScout is a professional database with business professional profiles and company profiles.

Deborah Coram's current jobs
Company: BoardTRAC Pty Ltd
Title: Director & CEO
Period: May 2012 - Present (12 years, 8 months)
Location: Carlton, Victoria, Australia
Company: Safetrac Pty Ltd
Title: Director & CEO
Period: Apr 2011 - Present (13 years, 9 months)
Location: Carlton, Victoria, Australia

The Safetrac Group operates a range of innovative software products within the Governance Risk and Compliance space. Products produced by the Safetrac Group include: - The award winning Safetrac product which provides companies with a range of bespoke and generic online training solutions to assist companies in delivering widespread corporate training initiatives. Safetrac specialises in compliance training to help manage and reduce risks associated with regulatory breach. We have been recognised as the Best Compliance Training product in Australasia by the LearnX Foundation for a record 8 years in a row; - the innovative Boardtrac product which provides companies with secure online board portal software that is accessible to board and committee members via a secure iPad application; and

Deborah Coram's Colleagues
John Steven
Southbank, Victoria, Australia
Brian Thompson
Social Network Manager
Southbank, Victoria, Australia
Deborah Coram has 2 colleagues in total at BoardTRAC Pty Ltd. You can find all of them in FinalScout.
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