Delphine Jean

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Location: Paris, Île-de-France, France
Current employer:
ESG Executive Education
Current title:
Program Manager - Executive MBA Project Manager CSR
Last updated: 12/10/2023 07:56 AM
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Delphine Jean is from Paris, Île-de-France, France. Delphine is currently Program Manager - Executive MBA Project Manager CSR at ESG Executive Education, located in Paris, Île-de-France, France.

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Delphine Jean's current jobs
Company: ESG Executive Education
Title: Program Manager - Executive MBA Project Manager CSR
Period: Jul 2023 - Present (1 year, 6 months)
Location: Paris, Île-de-France, France

The Executive MBA in CSR Project Management is an 14-month program, totaling 511 hours of training, is designed for active professionals seeking a dual expertise in project management and corporate social responsibility (CSR). This program allows the participants to balance professional commitments with weekend classes on Fridays and Saturdays. Key Highlights: Dual expertise: Acquire the skills to integrate sustainability into project management, a vital asset in today's business landscape. Leadership and management: Develop leadership and team management abilities crucial for successful CSR projects. Personalized support: Benefit from tailored projects, conferences, coaching, and ongoing guidance to nurture the professional growth. Industry-tailored: Developed by ESG ACT, the School of Sustainable Business of the ESG Group, this program aligns with executive education needs.

Delphine Jean's Colleagues
Jean-Edmond Puig
Responsable pédagogique filières achats et supply chain (MBA 1ere et 2eme année)
Paris, Île-de-France, France
Yann Gourvennec
Paris, Île-de-France, France
Abhishek Gulati
Visiting Faculty
Paris, Île-de-France, France
Audrey Kabla
Adjunct Professor
Paris, Île-de-France, France
Lutricia Arnould
Responsable de la performance pédagogique
Paris, Île-de-France, France
Delphine Jean has 219 colleagues in total at MBA ESG. You can find all of them in FinalScout.
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