Dena Taylor

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Email: ****r@tepartner.com
Location: United States
Current employer: Talent Elevation Partners
Current title:
CEO and Owner
Last updated: 06/03/2024 12:34 PM
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Dena Taylor is from United States. Dena is currently CEO and Owner at Talent Elevation Partners, located in Charlotte, North Carolina, United States.

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Dena Taylor's current jobs
Title: CEO and Owner
Period: Jan 2022 - Present (3 years)
Location: Charlotte, North Carolina, United States

Founder of Talent Elevation Partners, an innovative recruiting firm, dedicated to educating and inspiring executives, leaders and hiring managers to elevate their talent. We collaborate with industry leaders to design world-class recruiting methods, and strategies to deliver pre-selected high caliber professionals. 30 years of Talent Acquisition and Consulting specializing in, Experienced, Inexperienced and Manager, Financial Advisor Professional Placement.

Dena Taylor's Colleagues
Sean Denny, CFP®
Co-Founder/ President
Charlotte, North Carolina, United States
Sarah Lewis
National Recruiting Director
Charlotte, North Carolina, United States
Kimberly Zakrzewski
Vice President Of Recruitment
Charlotte, North Carolina, United States
Christie A. Carson
National Recruiting Director
Charlotte, North Carolina, United States
Joe Kennon
National Recruiting Manager
Charlotte, North Carolina, United States
Dena Taylor has 12 colleagues in total at Talent Elevation Partners. You can find all of them in FinalScout.
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