Dennis Lerchl

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Email: ****l@finaccel.co
Location: Singapore
Current employer:
Kredivo Group
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Last updated: 20/03/2024 08:49 AM
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Dennis Lerchl is from Singapore. Dennis is currently CFO at Kredivo Group.

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Dennis Lerchl's current jobs
Company: Kredivo Group
Title: CFO
Period: Jan 2019 - Present (6 years)

Kredivo Group (formerly FinAccel) is Southeast Asia’s leading provider of digital financial services through its brands Kredivo, Kredifazz and Krom. Kredivo is the leading digital credit platform in Indonesia and Vietnam providing customers with instant credit financing for ecommerce and offline purchases, and personal loans, based on real-time decisioning. Krom Bank Indonesia (formerly Bank Bisnis Internasional, IDX: BBSI) is the group’s bank entity and the operator of the soon-to-be-launched Indonesian neobank Krom. Backed by leading financial and strategic investors such as Mizuho Financial Group, Square Peg Capital, Jungle Ventures, Naver Corp, Mirae Asset and Victory Park Capital among others.

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Dennis Lerchl
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