Denton Burchett

Tooling and Processing Manager at Berry Global
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Email: ****4@hotmail.com
LinkedIn: Denton Burchett
Location: Hot Springs, Arkansas, United States
Last updated: 04/06/2024 05:58 AM
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Denton Burchett is from Hot Springs, Arkansas, United States. Denton works in the following industries: "Plastics". In Denton's previous role as a Tooling/Process Manager at Berry Plastics, Denton worked in Hot Springs, AR until Mar 2024. Prior to joining Berry Plastics, Denton was a Tooling Manager/Interim Quality Manager at Husqvarna Group and held the position of Tooling Manager/Interim Quality Manager at Nashville, AR. Prior to that, Denton was a Tooling Manager at Sika Automotive from Dec 2002 to Jul 2005.

You can find Denton Burchett's email on finalScout.com. FinalScout is a popular professional database with more than 500 million business professionals and over 200 million company profiles.

Denton Burchett's past jobs
Company: Berry Plastics
Title: Tooling/Process Manager
Period: May 2015 - Mar 2024 (8 years, 10 months)
Location: Hot Springs, AR

Staff level Technical Resource Manager with 27 direct reports both hourly and salary.

Company: Husqvarna Group
Title: Tooling Manager/Interim Quality Manager
Period: Dec 2012 - Mar 2015 (2 years, 3 months)
Location: Nashville, AR

Managing the tool room and tool makers. Develop new tooling for smooth launch in to production. Identify and correct production tooling issues. Engineering and technical responsibility for vibration and sonic welding tooling and process. Additional duties as Interim Quality Manager for 8 months.

Company: Sika Automotive
Title: Tooling Manager
Period: Dec 2002 - Jul 2005 (2 years, 7 months)

Managed the tool department and personnel including procurement, build and launch of all tools for injection molding and extrusion processes. Managed and maintained the tool procurement with an annual budget of over three million dollars. Pursued and implemented the purchase of tooling overseas (Asia and Europe) and procurement and implementation of 2-shot molding.

Denton Burchett's education
Missouri State University
Bachelor of Science
1987 - 1991
Denton Burchett's top skills
Continuous Improvement Manufacturing
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