Deon L Speaks

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Email: ****@****.***
Location: Columbia, South Carolina, United States
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Current title:
Chief Investment Officer
Last updated: 21/09/2023 17:44 PM
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Deon L Speaks is from Columbia, South Carolina, United States. Deon is currently Chief Investment Officer at REI CULTURE CO., located in Laurens, South Carolina, United States.

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Deon L Speaks's current jobs
Title: Chief Investment Officer
Period: Nov 2020 - Present (4 years, 2 months)
Location: Laurens, South Carolina, United States

" Deon the Deal Finder" - Establish effective and well-organized investment processes in relation to real estate - Continues to write clear and well-informed investment recommendations based on thorough research and analysis. - Organize regular investment reports and reviews, including quantitative and qualitative portfolio studies. - Review quarterly financial statements, and remain up-to-date with any important valuation or policy changes. - Leads the investment strategy unit within the company. - Perform regular administration duties of all investment files. - Help manage and uphold current client relationships

Deon L Speaks's Colleagues
Jonte Kennebrew
Licensed Insurance Agent
Irmo, South Carolina, United States
Deon L Speaks has 1 colleagues in total at South Legacy Insurance . You can find all of them in FinalScout.
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