Dian Zheng

Sr. Project Engineer at 3M Purification Inc.
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LinkedIn: Dian Zheng
Location: Middlebury, Connecticut, United States
Current employer:
3M Purification Inc.
Current title:
Sr. Project Engineer
Last updated: 22/05/2023 00:13 AM
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Dian Zheng is from Middlebury, Connecticut, United States. Dian works in the following industries: "Consumer Goods". Dian is currently Sr. Project Engineer at 3M Purification Inc.. Dian also works as Sr. Project Engineer at Cuno/3M Purification, a job Dian has held since Jan 1999. In Dian's previous role as a Technical Specialist at 3M Purification Inc., Dian worked in until Dec 2012. Prior to joining 3M Purification Inc., Dian was a Mechanical Engineer at Gerber Scientific Products, Inc. and held the position of Mechanical Engineer.

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Dian Zheng's current jobs
Company: 3M Purification Inc.
Title: Sr. Project Engineer
Period: Jan 2000 - Present (24 years, 11 months)
Company: Cuno/3M Purification
Title: Sr. Project Engineer
Period: Jan 1999 - Present (25 years, 11 months)
Dian Zheng's past jobs
Company: 3M Purification Inc.
Title: Technical Specialist
Period: Aug 2008 - Dec 2012 (4 years, 4 months)
Company: Gerber Scientific Products, Inc.
Title: Mechanical Engineer
Period: Oct 1994 - Dec 1999 (5 years, 2 months)
Dian Zheng's education
University of Rhode Island
Ph. D.
1988 - 1991
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