Dik Vreugdenhil

Commercieel Manager bij VAN VLIET The Candy Company
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LinkedIn: Dik Vreugdenhil
Location: The Randstad, Netherlands
Current employer: VAN VLIET The Candy Company
Current title:
Commercieel Manager
Last updated: 22/05/2023 00:11 AM
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Dik Vreugdenhil is from The Randstad, Netherlands. Dik works in the following industries: "Packaging & Containers", "Consumer Goods", and "Food Production". Dik is currently Commercieel Manager at VAN VLIET The Candy Company. In Dik's previous role as a Commercieel Manager at Braskamp B.V., Dik worked in until Sep 2009. Prior to joining Braskamp B.V., Dik was a key account manager at Paardekooper Verpakkingen and held the position of key account manager.

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Dik Vreugdenhil's current jobs
Title: Commercieel Manager
Period: Sep 2009 - Present (15 years, 4 months)
Dik Vreugdenhil's past jobs
Company: Braskamp B.V.
Title: Commercieel Manager
Period: Nov 2000 - Sep 2009 (8 years, 10 months)
Title: key account manager
Period: Jan 1994 - Nov 2000 (6 years, 10 months)
Dik Vreugdenhil's top skills
Accountmanagement Verkoopmanagement Prijsstrategie Bedrijfsstrategie Business Development Onderhandelen Management Commercieel management Verkooppresentaties Business planning B2B Sales operations Productontwikkeling Detailhandel Communicatie Directe verkopen Hoofdaccount Sales Verkoopproces
Dik Vreugdenhil's Colleagues
Martin Van Vliet
Alphen aan den Rijn, South Holland, Netherlands
Michael Klijn
Operational Director
Alphen aan den Rijn, South Holland, Netherlands
Johannes Roos
Factory Manager
Alphen aan den Rijn, South Holland, Netherlands
Martina Aardema
Quality Assurance Manager
Alphen aan den Rijn, South Holland, Netherlands
Ray Karsten
Alphen aan den Rijn, South Holland, Netherlands
Dik Vreugdenhil has 31 colleagues in total at VAN VLIET The Candy Company. You can find all of them in FinalScout.
Other people named Dik Vreugdenhil
Dik Vreugdenhil
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