Dimitri Iossifidis

Executive VP, Malva S.A. - Co Founder, President & CEO at Greener than Green Technologies
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Email: ****s@malva.gr
LinkedIn: Dimitri Iossifidis
Location: Greece
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Current title:
Research And Development Director
Last updated: 22/05/2023 00:43 AM
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Dimitri Iossifidis is from Greece. Dimitri works in the following industries: "Medical Devices". Dimitri is currently Research And Development Director at 12Gods, located in Athens, Attiki, Greece. Dimitri also works as Co-founder, President & CEO at Greener than Green Technologies, a job Dimitri has held since Jul 2014. Another title Dimitri currently holds is Executive Vice President at Malva S.A.. In Dimitri's previous role as a Customer Support Manager at Malva S.A., Dimitri worked in Athens, Greece until Dec 2010. Prior to joining Malva S.A., Dimitri was a Applications Specialist at Malva S.A. and held the position of Applications Specialist at Athens, Greece.

Dimitri Iossifidis can be found on Finalscout.com, where members can access Dimitri Iossifidis's email for free. Finalscout is a professional database with more than 500 million business professional profiles and 200 million company profiles.

Dimitri Iossifidis's current jobs
Company: 12Gods
Title: Research And Development Director
Period: Mar 2020 - Present (4 years, 10 months)
Location: Athens, Attiki, Greece

Heading research director and new product development for 12Gods, bringing innovation in the F&B market.

Company: Greener than Green Technologies
Title: Co-founder, President & CEO
Period: Jul 2014 - Present (10 years, 6 months)
Location: Athens, Greece

Greener than Green Technologies S.A. (GtG Technologies) is a clean-tech startup, that sprung out of university pioneered research on water treatment technologies and private funding. It's primary targets are to scale up and commercialize already developed laboratory based techniques for water treatment as a standalone process or coupled to existing processes, the identification, extraction, isolation and commercialization of value added/high interest compounds from organisms (e.g. plant, animal, microbial) or from industrial, agricultural or residential waste. Through collaborations and private-public partnerships (PPP) GtG Technologies is seeking develop and promote tools that ultimately lead to the reuse of resources and minimization of waste.

Company: Malva S.A.
Title: Executive Vice President
Period: Jan 2011 - Present (14 years)
Location: Athens, Greece

Executive VP and customer support manager

Dimitri Iossifidis's past jobs
Company: Malva S.A.
Title: Customer Support Manager
Period: Jun 2005 - Dec 2010 (5 years, 6 months)
Location: Athens, Greece
Company: Malva S.A.
Title: Applications Specialist
Period: Mar 2004 - Jun 2005 (1 year, 3 months)
Location: Athens, Greece
Dimitri Iossifidis's education
Imperial College London
Ph.D. Student
2000 - 2004
Imperial College London
1999 - 2000
Reading University
1996 - 1999
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