Disha Rawlley

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Email: ****y@vortecfire.com
Location: Aurora, Ontario, Canada
Current employer:
Vortec Fire Protection Inc.
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Last updated: 23/02/2024 11:05 AM
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Disha Rawlley is from Aurora, Ontario, Canada. Disha is currently CEO at Vortec Fire Protection Inc., located in Aurora, Ontario, Canada.

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Disha Rawlley's current jobs
Company: Vortec Fire Protection Inc.
Title: CEO
Period: Apr 2016 - Present (8 years, 9 months)
Location: Aurora, Ontario, Canada

Started the company from the ground up. Vortec Fire is a privately owned company in York Region, with over 25 years of combined experience in the industry. We pride ourselves in our quality of service that can be tailored to suit our customer’s every need, including test, inspection & maintenance, installation, fire pumps, fire extinguishers & maintenance. Our goal is to protect our clients from the unexpected. Ranging from industrial/commercial to residential we have you covered. Our strength, dedication, and loyalty to our customers are what separates Vortec Fire from the rest. We strive to reach all target dates, communicate effectively with our partners, and make lasting, long-term relationships. Key Responsibilities: • Managing a team of eleven members • Leading the development of the company’s short- and long-term strategy • Review all lines of business to ensure business continuity and governance activities • Maintaining awareness of the competitive market landscape and expansion opportunities • Assessing risks to the company and ensuring they are monitored and minimized • Oversee and review the company’s day-to-day operations • Provide advisory support on projects & events, risk management, and CSR

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