Dixie M Richards

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Email: ****s@andovercorp.com
Location: Salem, New Hampshire, United States
Current employer:
Andover Corporation
Current title:
Marketing Manager
Last updated: 22/05/2023 00:50 AM
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Dixie M Richards is from Salem, New Hampshire, United States. Dixie is currently Marketing Manager at Andover Corporation, located in Salem, New Hampshire, United States.

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Dixie M Richards's current jobs
Company: Andover Corporation
Title: Marketing Manager
Period: Aug 2017 - Present (7 years, 5 months)
Location: Salem, New Hampshire, United States

Manage the day-to-day marketing activities of the organization and execute long term marketing strategy to increase revenue. • Manage all marketing activities within the department. • Develop marketing strategy in line with company objectives. • Coordinate marketing campaigns with sales activities. • Oversee the company’s marketing budget. • Create and publish all marketing material in line with marketing plans. • Plan and implement promotional campaigns. • Create, nourish, and analyze Hubspot email blasts, blogs, and social media. • Design and execute all social media strategies (Includes: Linkedin, Facebook, Twitter, Youtube, Instagram, and Pinterest). • Assist in the management of two simultaneous Sales Navigator Campaigns. • Manage and improve lead generation campaigns, measure ROI results. • Responsible for brand management and corporate identity. • Prepare online and print marketing campaigns. • Monitor and report on effectiveness of marketing communications. • Create a wide range of different marketing materials. • Work closely with design agencies and assist with new product launches. • Maintain effective internal communications to ensure that all relevant company functions are kept informed of marketing objectives. • Oversee and manage our Google Adword campaigns and review daily analytics. • Create content that attracts a qualified audience to our social media pages and website. • Handle all trade show logistics for up to 6 shows per year.

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