Drew Van Diggelen
Drew Van Diggelen is from Henderson, Nevada, United States. Drew works in the following industries: "Entertainment", "Gambling & Casinos", and "Health, Wellness & Fitness". Drew is currently General Manager at Bulksupplements.com, located in Henderson, Nevada. In Drew's previous role as a VIP Host at SLS Hotel Las Vegas, Drew worked in until Nov 2015. Prior to joining SLS Hotel Las Vegas, Drew was a VIP Security Host at TAO Nightclub and held the position of VIP Security Host at The Venetian Hotel. Prior to that, Drew was a Concierge at Station Casinos, LLC, based in Green Valley Ranch Resort from Mar 2007 to May 2012.
You can find Drew Van Diggelen's email at finalscout.com. FinalScout is a professional database with business professional profiles and company profiles.
Drew Van Diggelen's current jobs
Over see day to day operations of all departments, production, and sales. Assist with companys decisions, employee actions, and direction. Handle Website and Amazons needs, issues and functions.
Drew Van Diggelen's past jobs
Drive sales to Hotel, Casino and Nightlife Venues. Establish guest relationships and develop ultimate Las Vegas experiences through connections and knowledge.
Handled companys elite peoples experiences and assisted with venues opperations.